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Unser zweites Gehirn - Die lange unterschätzten Funktionen des Darms

Our second brain - The long-underestimated functions of the intestine

Modern cutting-edge research Since we first became aware of the gut and its role in diseases, moods and character traits in 2017 with the book “The Psychobiotic Revolution” by Irish professor of anatomy and neuroscience...
5 Wirkungen von Chaga

5 effects of chaga

Your little Chaga guide – from the harvest to the Chaga elixir The use of chaga dates back to the 12th century of Russian folk medicine (and probably further). It is used as an all-round...
Was kann der Birkenzucker, auch bekannt als Xylit ?

What can birch sugar, also known as xylitol, do?

What sounds more appealing, xylitol or birch sugar? The fact that the first term is perhaps associated with an unknown, artificial and potentially harmful substance is probably due, among other things, to the opaque food...
Sportlerin rennt im Wald

How Cordyceps boosts your performance

We are aware that there is absolutely no shortage of exuberant descriptions and claims in the NEM scene. When it comes to the Chinese caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps), it is by no means an exaggeration to...
Glycin als Zuckerersatz

Glycine: The perfect substitute for sugar

In our forest cocoa we use, among other things, the amino acid glycine to sweeten it. We would like to explain to you why we decided to do this: What is Glycine? Glycine performs an...
Welche Milch bei Laktoseintoleranz?

Which milk if you have lactose intolerance?

In fact, as Northern Europeans we belong to a small part of the population that copes somewhat better with lactose. Globally, this is rather the exception. And here in our district , 15% of the...
Funktioniert "Detox" wirklich?

Does “Detox” really work?

We looked at the studies on the effect and necessity of current detox trends
Süchtig nach Käse? A1 Casein und seine Wirkung...

Addicted to cheese? A1 casein and its effects...

What exactly is the difference between A2 and A1 casein? Actually it's just a small change in the amino acid chain...
Wie Lion's Mane dir beim Lernen hilft

How Lion's Mane helps you learn

Lion's Mane is known not only for sharpening focus but also for its ability to repair nerve cells!