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Maca - Die adaptogene Wurzel aus den Anden

Maca - The adaptogenic root from the Andes

The root from the Andes Maca or Peruvian ginseng is a plant that grows in the Andes in Peru . The root of this plant has been consumed by the indigenous peoples there for centuries...
Was hilft gegen Kater?

What helps against a hangover?

Here are 5 effective and scientifically proven tips that will give you a fresh start into the new year tomorrow.
Der Weihnachtsmann war ein Pilzhändler

Santa Claus was a mushroom dealer

Do you know the true story behind Santa Claus and his reindeer? Find out in our Christmas story where this tradition comes from and what psychedelic mushrooms have to do with it...
5 Tipps, um über Weihnachten fit zu bleiben

5 tips to stay fit over Christmas

5 simple tips with immediate effect to make it easier for you to stay slim and healthy over Christmas and the holidays.
Reishi - Der Alleskönner unter den Pilzen

Reishi - the all-rounder among mushrooms

The Reishi mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine Reishi, also known as Lingzhi, has been used in TCM for at least two thousand years, with the first known written records dating from the Han Dynasty (206...
Ashwagandha - Welche Wirkung hat die Schlafbeere?

Ashwagandha - What effect does the sleeping berry have?

The most important facts about Ashwagandha Although Ashwagandha has only just arrived in the West, the plant has been known in the Indian health system of Ayurveda for over 3,000 years. Translated, Ashwagandha means something...
Unser zweites Gehirn - Die lange unterschätzten Funktionen des Darms

Our second brain - The long-underestimated functions of the intestine

Modern cutting-edge research Since we first became aware of the gut and its role in diseases, moods and character traits in 2017 with the book “The Psychobiotic Revolution” by Irish professor of anatomy and neuroscience...
5 Wirkungen von Chaga

5 effects of chaga

Your little Chaga guide – from the harvest to the Chaga elixir The use of chaga dates back to the 12th century of Russian folk medicine (and probably further). It is used as an all-round...
Was kann der Birkenzucker, auch bekannt als Xylit ?

What can birch sugar, also known as xylitol, do?

What sounds more appealing, xylitol or birch sugar? The fact that the first term is perhaps associated with an unknown, artificial and potentially harmful substance is probably due, among other things, to the opaque food...